
Geosong Korean Ribs (거송갈비찜), the Local and Enjoyable Korean Stewed Pork Ribs in Daegu, South Korea!

海底撈,美味與服務品質兼具的麻辣火鍋 (台灣台北松壽路店)

Kappo Yoshida (割烹よし田), Fukuoka's Local Speciality, Chazuke with Red Seabream Sashimi (鯛茶漬け), Est. 1966 in Fukuoka, Japan!

割烹吉田(割烹よし田),日本福岡特色美食,鯛魚茶泡飯(鯛茶漬け)! (Est. 1966)

Taishiken (大志軒), the Delicious and Affordable Tsukemen Restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan!

Kurashiki Ramen Masuya (倉敷らーめん升家), the Scrumptious and Popular Niboshi Ramen with Locals in Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan!



My Experience about the Ferry from Hokkaido to Akita, Japan (Shin Nihonkai Ferry)

Sweet Redbean Buns (대구근대골목단팥빵 본점), the Buns Fully Stuffed with Matcha Cream and Red Bean Paste in Yangnyeong Market, Daegu, South Korea!

Koganemushi's (こがねむし) Affordable Scrumptious Yaki Curry, the Must-Eat in Moji, Kitakyushu, Japan!

Gijang Home-Made Noodle (기장손칼국수), the Al Dente and Mouth-Watering Home-Made Noodles at Affordable Prices in Seomyeon Market, Busan, South Korea!
