
Bills Shichirigahama@ Kanagawa, Japan, Probably the Best Breakfast in the World!

Ramen Muku, from Frankfurt, Germany, Now Has a Branch at Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum, Kanagawa, Japan!

Satonoudon(里のうどん), the Large Pork Belly Rice Bowl at a Reasonable Price in Kanagawa, Japan

Ryu Shanghai Honten @ Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum, the Delicious Seafood-Based and Richly Concentrated Miso Ramen

Shin-Yokohama Ramen Museum, the Must-Visit Spot for Ramen Lovers in Kanagawa, Japan!

Kebab Kamakura, the King-Sized Kebab at a Fair Price in Kanagawa, Japan

The Level Crossing near Kamakurakokomae Station for Slam Dunk Fans! (Kanagawa, Japan)