Itoman Fisher Restaurant (糸満漁民食堂), the Heavenly Fisher Cuisine Hidden in the Industrial Park of Okinawa, Japan

In Sep 2017, my friends and I rented a car to travel in Okinawa, Japan. Someday we visited Itoman Fisher Restaurant (糸満漁民食堂) for dinner in Itoman, Okinawa, Japan.

Itoman Fisher Restaurant (糸満漁民食堂) was hidden in a industrial park, but it was still so popular with customers. We queued here for a long while that evening.

Here were 2 kinds of seats, chair seats and Japanese seats.

It was a so-called fisher restaurant. Of course, its signatures were the various kinds of fish!

That day I ordered its signature, butter-yaki fish set! The set consisted of an appetizer, butter-yaki fish, rice and miso soup.

Its price based on the fish I chose. I ordered the fish at 1,800 JPY(= 16.68 USD).

The sashimi salad my friend ordered was served at first. The sashimi was fresh and tasty! Sure, we were at a fisher restaurant!

Next, my butter-yaki fish set was served. Initially, it was its appetizer! The special sauce made Okinawa's fresh seafood more delicious. This appetizer satisfied me so much!

After that, it was the turn of main course, butter-yaki fish. The aromas of melted butter and grilled fish were mixed together. The attractive mixed aroma made me so mouth-watering!

The green on fish were algae. I put the crispy outside but tender inside fish into my mouth with melted butter and green algae. The combination was so heavenly!

Of course, the miso soup was necessary when enjoying the fish and rice! It was the typical Japanese cuisine!

Its dessert was also great! The red beans and dango with coconut milk were so tasty!

I heard its prices of lunch were lower, but the dinner here was so scrumptious and affordable.

Personally speaking, I would strongly recommend fish cuisine at Itoman Fisher Restaurant (糸満漁民食堂) to the travelers who drives in Okinawa, Japan!

Map Information

Business Hours:11:30 - 14:30;18:00 - 21:00 (Closed on Tuesdays)
TEL:+81 98-992-7277
